donderdag 15 december 2011

islam en honden

Tsja, dat ze ze niet mogen is duidelijk. Enkele voorbeeldjes:

RESCUING WRIGLEY, the 16-year-old dog that was abandoned in an animal sanctuary by one of the Muslim ‘stars’ of TLC’s ‘All-American Muslim’

Muslims Declare Jihad on Dogs in Europe

Taxi jihad: not without my dog

Blazing Cat Fur has this story on how a man was arrested for walking his dog near Muslims yesterday at Queens Park (Ontario’s Provincial Parliament) and when Muslims assaulted him and beat him for offending them with the presence of his dog, of course the offender was arrested.
IRANIAN Doggie Death Camps: “Walk your dog and you will never see him again,” warns government gestapo 
Kuwaitis go on a rampage and massacre more than 30 dogs
The armed snipers from the Kuwait Shooting Club decided to form a ‘massacre team’ and raid dog concentrations in suburban Kuwait after a dog attacked a little Kuwait girl and inflicted severe injuries on her. 


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