Koran verse 2:223
Your wives are a tilth for you, so go into your tilth when you like,
and do good beforehand for yourselves, and be careful (of your duty) to
Allah, and know that you will meet Him, and give good news to the
Hat Tip: Keizers & Kleren
Introduction: In the previous posts we
looked at the plight of Rinkle Kumari in the land of Sindhi, Pakistan
where the Court buckled under the pressure of a feudal clansman. The
enforced conversion to Islam and the ensuing marriage to a Muslim man,
turned out cover for organized sexual exploitation. A pattern is
emerging of forcible conversions, abductions and sexual exploitation
emanating from the Dar-Al-Islam in every direction of the wind: called
many things, it's proper definition is sexual terrorism. The phenomenon
turns out to be centuries old. In Europe it used to be known as 'white
slavery'. We know it today as the lover boy confidence trick or simply
(gang) rape.
Lees verder op Politeia
dossier islam, polygamie, honour killings and more barbarism
islam en verkrachting